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"For Sale: Gunshin 14mm Godzilla, anti-everything weapon. Good for destroying vehicles, buildings and people."
"...oh yeah, remember [to obey] martial law [and local gun-control regs]."

-- Seen on the Black Market BBS.
You fence, buy, sell, trade, appraise. You've got access to the latest cyber for the solos, the heaviest gear for the samurai, and the blackest boxes for the deckers. You're smart enough not to ask your suppliers any questions. You've got your finger on the pulse of the city's economy, and when you can't undercut the other guy, well... that's when you call in your boosterboys.

You've got the connections. You're a fixer.

A fixer's life is constant hustle, credit and debit, with one seller lined up on the cellphone and another buyer dropping mail in the complant. Anything less is death, slow and lingering, wasting away forgotten and credless in an empty lucite coffin.

The world of Cybersphere is one in which corporations have assumed the role of government in most places. The laws they enforce with the use of organizations like the NCSP serve to protect their interests and ultimately their profits. Corporations restrict access to and supply of any number of things to maintain maximum profitability and, because their grip on the world is easier to maintain when they control who has access to what.

Inevitably, though, things fall through the cracks. The illegal trade in contraband typically falls into one of two categories: Black Market or Grey Market. Black market goods are those that are illegal to possess, buy or sell by anyone except those the corporations allow. Grey market goods are things that are not restricted in themselves, but that been acquired through an illegitimate channel e.g. stolen goods. No matter where it comes from, all of this contraband eventually passes through the hands of the worldwide criminal and pseudo criminal organisations, such as the Bangkok Importers Guild, Yamashiro Clan, Lorenzo Imports Company, and Kombinat Collective.

Associated Advantages


Faces are the insulation between the supply and the market. They can and often should work in multiple layers. The more steps removed the sale of an item is from the source, the less likely it is that the source will be compromised. The closer a face is to the final sale of an item, the higher their risk, whether that risk comes from law enforcement or simply someone deciding that the price is too high, and bullets are cheaper. Those closest to the source will likely be buying wholesale, bulk orders, and then filtering that down the chain. Some faces will be high-rollers bringing in big value shipments, while others may be hustling for the sale of a single item on the streets.


Fixers are the middlemen of Cybersphere's urban sprawl, the deal-makers and hustlers. They buy and sell equipment, favours, and rumours in a complex chess game where gangers and storefront turf are the pieces. All the goods fixers buy from their connections and sell on are contraband; being a fixer means breaking the law, constantly looking over your shoulder for corporate security goons and ruthless competitors, avoiding exposure wherever possible. An exposed fixer is a liability to themselves and the organization they work for, and every second in the public eye risks arrest or even silencing by their previous employer.