Volunteering weapon and fatality messages?

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Volunteering weapon and fatality messages?

Post by Ghostwriter » Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:42 pm

I'm a pretty big fan of what the game is and see a lot of potential in the way of a resource-node based economy that could involve more transitive forms of plot (i.e. that paydata you stole was the Victoria's Secret shopping spree a city official had with their mistress, call and blackmail them as a job!) - but I don't want to spoil things by making the plunge for a progbit.

Truth I don't think I need one: I came up with a neat system to help emulate getting skill improvement with character development by organizing the to-hit rolls. These emphasize drastically overpowering an opponent versus just landing a basic hit, and you can see how it works essentially as beyond a certain point the enemy failed to dodge a vicious attack.
Here's an example of the format I'm talking about, feel free to snatch it for yourself:

hits: {"(-999,1)(all)%dn grinds the blade of %p %t against %dd's %l with a shower of sparks!", "(-999,1)(all)%dn clangs %p %t against %dd's %l ineffectively.", "(-999,1)(all)%dn clinks the point of %p %t harmlessly against %dd's %l.", "(-999,1)(all)%dn manages to scrape %dd's %l with %p %t in only a desperate attempt at swordsmanship.", "(2,3)(all)%dn clips %dd's %l shallowly with a narrow swing of %p %t.", "(4,5)(all)%dn barely catches %dd's %l with a slap of %p blade.", "(5,10)(all)%dn lunges %p %t, biting into %dd's %l!", "(7,15)(all)%dn slashes %p %t and steps inward, cleaving down into %dd's %l.", "(10,18)(all)%dn winds into a powerful chop with %p %t, cutting across %dd's %l.", "(10,20)(all)%dn strikes repeatedly, bringing %p %t across %dd's %l three times in broad circles!", "(15,25)(all)%dn lunges %p %t into %dd's %l with a precise thrust.", "(20,30)(all)%dn thunders %p %t down onto %dd's %l.", "(25,35)(all)%dn thrusts then thrusts again, stabbing and sawing %dd's %l with %p %t!", "(30,40)(all)%dn brings %p %t down across %dd's %l, thrusting into the wound!", "(30,40)(all)%dn lets out a martial shout and lunges with %p %t, solidly sinking the blade into %dd's %l.", "(30,40)(all)%dn grunts and swings %p %t, chopping into %dd's %l with a meaty THWACK!", "(30,40)(all)%dn swings %p %t upwards, slicing twice through %dd's %l!", "(30,40)(all)%dn rips down in a flash of steel, biting %p %t through %dd's %l!", "(30,40)(all)%dn advances rapidly, stabbing and slicing into %dd's %l!", "(40,50)(all)%dn circles %p %t from behind the shoulder, leaping into a second swing that rips open %dd's %l!", "(40,50)(all)%dn rounds out a slash, lunging %p %t into %dd's %l!", "(40,50)(all)%dn catches %dd's %l with %p %t and slices it open, stepping to the side!", "(35,50)(all)%dn winds up and buries the edge of %p %t into %dd's %l, kicking free!", "(35,50)(all)%dn shoves %p %t into %dd's %l and stomps, shredding free!", "(35,50)(all)%dn swings %p %t with enough momentum to pass clean through %dd's %l!", "(35,50)(all)%dn lunges %p %t and draws back to thrust again, burying the blade into %dd's %l.", "(35,50)(all)%dn slices at %dd from left-to-right and right-to-left, suddenly stabbing %dd's %l!", "(35,50)(all)%dn winds up and buries %p %t into %dd's %l, slowly pulling the blade through the wound.", "(35,50)(all)%dn steps to the side and suddenly jams %p %t up to the tsuba into %dd's %l!", "(35,50)(all)%dn narrowly pokes %p %t into %dd's %l and rushes, sawing open a wide wound.", "(35,50)(all)%dn carves %p %t through %dd's %l and steps back, immediately lunging through the same wound.", "(35,50)(all)%dn filets open %dd's %l with a broad cleave of %p %t.", "(35,50)(all)%dn rears back %p %t and splits %dd's %l to the skeleton!", "(35,50)(all)%dn pierces through %dd's %l and circles to the side, cutting free!", "(35,50)(all)%dn slashes upwards and circles in a sideways swing, carving through %dd's %l!", "(35,45)(all)%dn nearly lops away %dd's %l with a wide swoop of %p %t.", "(40,65)(all)%dn lunges %p %t into %dd's %l, cutting free as %s stomps to the side.", "(45,55)(all)%dn circles in a kabuki-like dance with %p %t, slashing through %dd's %l again-and-again.", "(40,60)(all)%dn thunders %p %t down, leaving %dd's %l hanging by a flap.", "(40,60)(all)%dn thrusts the butt of %p %t to knock %dd off balance, stepping into a brutal upward slice!", "(40,60)(all)%dn carves %p %t down into %dd's %l with a crunch.", "(40,60)(all)%dn flourishes %p %t, laying the blade deeply across %dd's %l with a slurring scrape!", "(40,60)(all)%dn drives %p %t forward and rips down, cutting through %dd's %l like a leaf!", "(40,60)(all)%dn charges with %p %t braced to impale, pinning through %dd's %l!", "(50,60)(all)%dn gouges %p %t into %dd's %l and saws free with an upward slice.", "(50,65)(all)%dn chops %p %t into %dd's %l in a blur of circling steel!", "(50,65)(all)%dn plunges into %dd's %l with %p %t and circles to the side, slashing across the flank.", "(60,70)(all)%dn smartly sticks out %p %t and plunges the blade through %dd's %l with precision in-and-out.", "(60,75)(all)%dn catches underneath %dd's %l in a chop and slices free!", "(60,70)(all)%dn slashes over %dd's head and turns to cut sidelong, carving through %dd's %l instead!", "(60,75)(all)%dn raises %p %t and thrusts forward instinctively, burying the blade into %dd's %l.", "(60,75)(all)%dn throws %p momentum into a lunge, pinning %p %t through %dd's %l up to the handle.", "(60,85)(all)%dn crashes %p %t down onto %dd's %l and reflexively strikes a second time across the wound!", "(60,85)(all)%dn jabs %p %t straight through %dd's %l, sawing free.", "(60,85)(all)%dn shouts and stomps to drive %p %t through %dd's %l!", "(60,85)(all)%dn strokes %p %t downward, splitting %dd's %l open in a flash!", "(75,85)(all)%dn rears back and nearly removes half of %dd's %l with the blade of %p %t.", "(80,90)(all)%dn chops from over the shoulder into %dd's %l, kicking %dd to the ground to free %p blade.", "(80,90)(all)%dn cuts upwards into %dd's %l and suddenly chops downwards, knocking %dd to the ground!", "(80,95)(all)%dn steps into a lunge and rips %dd's %l wide-open with %p %t.", "(90,95)(all)%dn lays %dd open across the middle with %p %t!", "(90,95)(all)%dn steps to the side in a slash, drilling into %dd's %l with an advancing stomp.", "(90,100)(all)%dn braces, balancing the weight of %p %t and flashing the blade through %dd's %l!", "(95,999)(all)%dn's blade plunges in-and-out of %dd's eye.", "(95,999)(all)%dd moans out a gurgled whine as %dn's %t sinks into the throat.", "(95,999)(all)%dn leaps and takes away half of %dd's %l with a single stroke of %p %t!", "(95,999)(all)%dn slashes across %dd's %l with fluidity.", "(95,999)(all)%dn nearly cuts %dd in two with a swing of %p %t.", "(95,999)(all)%dn sends %dd flying to the ground as %p %t thunders into %dd's %l.", "(95,999)(all)%dd makes an exasperated noise as %dn's %t slowly sticks through %lp face.", "(95,999)(all)%dn impales %dd's %l up to the tsuba of %p %t, wrestling to saw and chop free.", "(95,999)(all)%dn cuts across %dd's %l with %p %t, drawing back with a flourish.", "(95,999)(all)%dn circles %p %t in a repeated chop at the exact same spot on %dd's %l!", "(95,999)(all)%dn recklessly swings overhead, nearly bursting %dd straight down the middle.", "(95,999)(all)%dn lunges in a fury again-and-again, mincing into %dd's %l with %p %t.", "(95,999)(all)%dn circles off of %p back foot into a swing, sawing into %dd's %l. %DN locks eyes with %dd and rips %p %t free.", "(95,999)(all)%dn suddenly lunges straight upward, penetrating %dd through the throat with %p %t.", "(95,999)(all)%dd cries out as %dd's %t crashes down in a flower of gore.", "(95,999)(all)%dn slashes to the left and then to the right, sawing %dd nearly in half at the middle.", "(95,999)(all)%dn buries %p %t halfway through %dd's %l with an accurate blow.", "(95,999)(all)%dn chops through %dd's %l with an arc of %p %t.", "(95,999)(all)%dn chops %p %t into %dd's %l and grabs the blade, wrenching to saw through.", "(95,999)(all)%dn raises %p %t with both hands and delivers an executioners blow to %dd's %l.", "(95,999)(all)%dn sends %dd's %l nearly flying with a hellish swipe of %p %t.", "(95,999)(all)%dn repeatedly chops in a combination at %dd's %l!"}

[It's worth noting this narrative style goes against pretty much everything in passive voice and definitely stood out among other weapons as the codebase used a .swings message and you would only take a stance, do a kata, circle the enemy etc. then - fwoosh! - it was hit or miss, no disconcerted messages describing the wrong attacks. Just preparing to make them.]

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Re: Volunteering weapon and fatality messages?

Post by Ghostwriter » Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:24 pm

Some have asked me to explain what's going on here - so I'll break it down!

With the .hits messages, it's already been determined there's a hit. The #'s are the damage in % done to the enemy, so having 99-999% results in overkill messages that are a lot like little fatalities. The whole goal? Diversify combat so maybe just maybe you don't see the same line over and over again.

Now with the misses.
This is actually how close or far we come to hitting them. So, we can see this described as getting worse and wilder as it goes up. In Cybersphere, you'd want to treat these as uniquely as you do hits, as there are no swings (which I'll include just for fun and flavor, and other codebases).

_misses: {{0, 1, #299, "%dn's %t swings right by %dd's %l!"}, {2, 4, #299, "%dn's %t hisses in the air with %p wild swing."}, {5, 9, #299, "%dn's %t carves past %dd."}, {10, 11, #299, "%dn steps short of landing a blow on %dd with %p %t."}, {12, 999, #299, "%dn nearly flings away %p %t trying to lunge at %dd."}}

For other lambda/hellcore advice:

With the .swings messages -
Typically these are where everyone winds up. Now with this weapon I decided to really change things up, and make them take a sinister stance - running a hand along the blade for instance, then WHOP! the limb flew with the hit. It was very dramatic.

_swings: {{-999, 0, #299, "%DN labors to balance %p %t shakily enough to telegraph a swipe at %dd!"}, {1, 2, #299, "%DN centers %p grip on %p %t, circling %dd."}, {3, 4, #299, "%DN lifts %p %t upright and rushes at %dd."}, {5, 6, #299, "%DN rears back %p %t, charging %dd to strike."}, {7, 8, #299, "%DN braces %p %t upwards with both hands, shuffling towards %dd."}, {9, 10, #299, "%DN rears %p %t like an insects stinger, rushing towards %dd."}, {11, 12, #299, "%DN approaches %dd with %p %t raised overhead."}, {13, 14, #299, "%DN screams like a maniac, drawing the point of %p %t squarely towards %dd."}, {15, 16, #299, "%DN stomps towards %dd with %p %t in a downward stance."}, {17, 18, #299, "%DN leaps for %dd with %p %t raised in an over-head stance."}, {19, 20, #299, "%DN circles around %dd with %p %t drawn back patiently."}, {21, 24, #299, "%DN raises the blade of %p %t parallel to eye-level, circling around %dd."}, {21, 25, #299, "%DN crouches and takes a wide grip on %p %t, shuffling towards %dd."}, {21, 29, #299, "%DN steps side-to-side with %p %t raised at an angle towards %dd."}, {21, 24, #299, "%DN crouches %p knees and sharply bears %p %t forward, stomping towards %dd."}, {21, 30, #299, "%DN turns %p grip on %p %t upward, circling %dd with swift half-steps."}, {21, 29, #299, "%DN advances on %dd with a militant stomp, raising %p %t with both hands to strike."}, {21, 29, #299, "%DN shuffles towards %dd with %p %t clutched upright."}, {21, 29, #299, "%DN swiftly circles to the left of %dd, swapping %p grip on %p %t to swing for %dd's flank."}, {21, 29, #299, "%DN steadily advances onto %dd with %p %t held at guard."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN begins to spiral around %dd with a swift shuffle, bracing %p %t."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN reflexively draws back %p %t, winding %p feet towards %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN circles, following %dd with the point of %p outstretched %t"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN grips %p %t upwards, bearing the point towards %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN swipes %p %t down by %p side and rushes %dd!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN crouches and steps towards %dd with %p %t held out."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN slowly shuffles in a side-step towards %dd and shifts %p grip on %t."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN raises %p %t and stomps up to %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN holds the edge of %p %t out towards %dd, shuffling in closer."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN adjusts %p grip on %p %t, flashing the blade side-to-side at %dd suddenly."}, {25, 35, #299, "%dn hurriedly half-steps towards %dd with %p %t held high!"}, {25, 30, #299, "%DN hoists up %p %t as %p steps quicken in towards %dd."}, {25, 30, #299, "%DN advances against %dd with a stomp, bringing up %p %t to strike."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN raises %p %t and charges %dd, shouting in a martial rage!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN begins to stomp towards %dd, shifting %p grip to hold %t by both hands."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN circles %dd with %p %t held up at the shoulder."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN shouts and strikes out at %dd with %p %t!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN draws %p %t sharply towards %dd, advancing in several stomps."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN grips %p %t upwards, searching for an opening on %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN furiously winds %p %t overhead with both hands."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN sinks with the weight of %p %t at the shoulder, facing %dd like a reared serpent."}, {25, 30, #299, "%DN expertly circles %p %t tightly around %p torso, lashing out at %dd!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN steps in towards %dd with %p %t raised, never quite crossing %p feet."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN settles a hand along the back of %p %t, stepping towards %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN charges with %p %t raised towards %dd!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN brings up %p %t in a guarded stance, circling %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN begins to jab %p %t at %dd, seeking a solid opening."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN runs a hand along the blade of %p %t in concentration."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN stalks towards %dd with %p %t raised to strike."}, {25, 35, #299, "%dn knocks the back of %p %t against %p shoulder, lifting a hand in concentration."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN breaks into a dead run at %dd, raising %p %t with one hand!"}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN squares into a shuffling dance with %p %t raised, searching for an opening against %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN stomps towards %dd in a rushing fury, raising %p %t!"}, {25, 30, #299, "%DN shifts %p grip on %p %t backwards, bracing to cleave through %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN shoulders %p %t, rushing at %dd headlong."}, {30, 37, #299, "%DN utters an insult in Japanese at %dd, circling with %p %t."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN crosses %p grip, holding %p %t widely by its butt and beneath the tsuba."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN levels %p %t behind %p shoulder in a moment of concentration."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN shoulders %p %t and rushes %dd with a hand raised in concentration."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN crouches slightly with %p %t held up sideways, slashing at %dd."}, {25, 35, #299, "%DN raises %p %t into a counter-striking position, circling %dd rapidly."}, {25, 50, #299, "%DN charges %dd with %p eyes and %p %t downcast."}, {25, 999, #299, "%DN narrows %p eyes in concentration, shouldering the weight of %p %t."}}

I hope some of this helps people get over the anticipation of making their own messages and weapons in combat. It's quite elementary really and using this kind of weighing you can break up the monotony.

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Re: Volunteering weapon and fatality messages?

Post by Ghostwriter » Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:42 pm

Now for the dessert: the fatalities, i.e. why you probably want to make a weapon message to begin with.

These are anything and everything you can imagine. Each fatality will also .spawn a bodypart -in accordance- with whatever number the message is unless redirected to point at a generic bodypart normally in hellcore in case you slice them up a dozen ways. Each fatality is a location and comes with a spawn_ location where your actual arm/head object comes from with the decapition. This is kind of a pain to keep up with, and I highly recommend some kind of sanity check to even see if there -is- a second item to spawn or else all fatalities spawn only the stated object. Otherwise, only the first message will spawn it ...
On to the fun part: the descriptive violence.

To cap off the whole fighting style we actually relive stories from the Hagakure as fatalities. Reading about how insane some battles and vendettas were (like when a blade misses and flies off a cooking pot, taking off half someone's face) a stark reminder just how crazy and fun some of the gruesome fatalities are. Maybe next week I'll post the Mortal Kombat inspired weapon(s).

fatal_abdomen_msg: {"%DN catches %dl across the gut, stepping to the left and rounding around into a slice to the right across the same wound.", "%DN spills open %dl's gutsack with a martial shout, ripping %p %t across in a foot-long wound.", "%DN hacks down into %dl's side and slices into something important, spilling %<l:blood> from %dl's dying lips.", "%DN chops into %dl with such ferocity that the blade of %p %t becomes embedded in the spine. It takes %dn some considerable effort to yank free.", "%DN reveals why beauty is only skin deep, cutting away half of %dl's torso in a flood of %<l:blood>.", "%DN thrusts %p %t into %dl's abdomen, yanking up-and-down as %dl screams. %DN rips free %p %t with bits of %dl's liver streaking the blade with %<l:blood>.", "%DN splits open %dl's middle, quickly laying in from the right to the left and carving through the open wound in a spray of %<l:blood>!", "%DN rips into %dl's middle with a combination of blows from the left, right, and the left again, sawing %dl's organs and gutsack to pieces on the long blade.", "%DN buries %p %t across %dl's hips with a momentous chop of %p %t. Slowly, %dl falls backwards.", "%DN lands a blow across %dl's middle, surgically cutting straight through %dl's organs left-to-right then up-and-down.", "%DN saws %dl painfully across the belly with %p %t.", "%DN lunges %p %t into %dl's side and spears through both lungs, chopping free through the gut.", "%DN lays into %dl's gut with a THWACK of %p %t, spilling %dl's organs like colorful candies.", "%DN lurches with momentum as %p %t flashes through %dl's middle in a gruesome spray of %<l:blood>.", "%DN seems to float with the weight of %p %t as it effortlessly cuts in a C across %dl's gut, ripping open the whole belly.", "%DN guts %dl like a fish with %p %t, shoving the blade in frontways and chopping out %dl's side.", "%DN sticks %p %t in precisely through %dl's stomach, spilling %<l:blood> as %dn slowly twists and wrenches %p %t."}
fatal_arm_msg: {"%DN begins chopping rapidly from above, severing %dl's arm like a tatami mat with seven repeated downward strokes!", "%DN splits into %dl's underarm and shoves the point of %p %t in til it bursts through the side of %dl's neck!", "%DN lands a bonecracking slice down onto %dl's shoulder, splitting %dl nearly to the waist with %p %t.", "%DN chops straight through %dl's arm with %p %t, burying the edge in %dl's side. %DN abruptly kicks %dl to the ground, freeing %p %t.", "%DN chops through %dl's wrist bones like poultry with a CRUNCH, sending %dl into a panic as %<l:blood> spews from the stump in a fountain.", "%DN spears the tip of %p %t right through %dl's knuckles, splitting %dl's forearm to the skeleton with a single well-placed thrust.", "%DN cleaves %p %t over %dl's head and circles into a second swipe, catching %dl across the throat!", "%DN rushes %dl shouting TORA TORA TORA and leaps into a thrust, jamming %p %t into the socket of %dl's shoulder and ramming %dl to the ground.", "%DN brings %p %t down from the left repeatedly, then the right, turning %dl into a living sashimi - until %dl collapses, surging %<l:blood> from the wounds.", "%DN buries the edge of %p %t deep into %dl's chest, struggling to free the blade as %<l:blood> spills along its edge.", "%DN slices across %dl's forearm, spilling %<l:blood> in a steady, fatal drip.", "%DN wrestles %dl by the arm to the ground, raising %p %t with one hand and burying it into %dl's neck. With a stomp to %p %t, %dn manages to saw through the throat enough to finish %dl.", "%DN flicks %p %t upward through %dl's arm and brings it down onto %dl's forehead with the wet sound of bone-crunching butchery!", "%DN knocks %dl back with the hilt of %p %t and quickly dispatches three downward strikes from left, right, and above. %dl staggers as %<l:blood> spills from the lines that appear, before falling to the ground wide-open.", "%DN severs through %dl's shoulder with enough force to knock %dl down face-first. As %dl struggles to stand again, %dn casually delivers a fatal throat slash.", "%DN sends %dl's arm flying with such force that it cannot be found for weeks.", "%DN sticks the blade of %p %t right through %dl's palm, seizing the opportunity and tackling %dl to the ground. %DN manages to wrestle %dl into a necklock; struggling, shouting, and twisting %p arm with a sickening CRACK!", "%DN clips through %dl's arm and lays straight through the belly, ripping open %dl like a fish with %p %t.", "%DN strikes in a furious combination from each cardinal point, winding with the momentum of the former blow and splitting %dl open like a %<l:blood> chrysanthemum.", "%DN rakes %p %t across %dl's shoulders, spilling %<l:blood> in a curtain from its edge. Quickly, %dn tucks %p %t in and performs an over-handed disengage, slicing %dl's face nearly clean-off below the jaw.", "%DN charges with %p %t, pinning %dl through the shoulder and ripping downward. Struggling, %dl screams but only spits %<l:blood> and dies.", "%DN brings %p %t down gracefully from above, splitting %dl from the shoulder to the knee as %dn crouches into the follow through.", "%DN jabs %p %t through %dl's shoulder partway, wrenching the blade til %<l:blood> spews from the gored wound. %DN flings %dl to the ground with a swing of %p %t, delivering a thrust to %dl's throat.", "%DN seems to float in a skip with %p %t raised, bringing it down effortlessly through %dl's shoulder in a fantail of %<l:blood>.", "%DN stomps up and cuts %dl apart at the shoulder and neck with a single blow.", "%DN strikes a shallow wound in %dl's arm with %p %t, reversing %p grip to suddenly swing in a roundhouse style. The %t flashes in %dl's eyes before it passes straight through them."}
fatal_chest_msg: {"%DN winds %p %t from behind and over the shoulder, slashing through %dl's chest like it were no more than poultry.", "%DN plunges the point of %p %t into %dl's lungs and twists, spraying %<l:blood>.", "%DN slips %p %t in beautifully between %dl's ribs, slicing through something important inside of %dl with immediate efficiency.", "%DN leaps into %p lunge and buries the blade of %p %t deep into %dl's chest, spewing %<l:blood> as %dn lances free.", "%DN bends %dl over backwards with a lick of %p %t, splitting through %dl's spine.", "%DN lashes upwards and downwards in three consecutive strikes, %p %t slicing through %dl's ribs with the efficiency of a surgical laser.", "%DN nearly clips %dl's head straight off at the neck, catching %p %t on the spine and sawing free.", "%DN chops away a large portion of %dl's torso with a shout, and repeatedly strikes again seven times to the same effect.", "%DN screams louder than %dl and rips %p %t sidelong across %dl's belly, spilling %dl's %<l:blood> and innards like a gatcha prize.", "%DN chops %p %t through %dl's ribs like they were made of rice paper, drawing back to slice %dl across the middle into quarters.", "%DN chips into %dl's ribs with a crack of %p %t, the blade sawing free as %<l:blood> begins cascading. %DN rounds %p %t into a thrusting position and follows through with a lunge, impaling %dl on the sword.", "%DN cuts midway through %dl's chest when %dl heaves up %<l:blood> and grabs the %t, struggling and expiring on the blade.", "%DN carves %dl down the side and thrusts into the wound, twisting as %<l:blood> pours down %p %t.", "%DN brings down %p %t with both hands across %dl's shoulder, ripping %dl open to the knee.", "%DN counter-balances %p %t to the side and cleaves deep into %dl's breastbone, thrusting into the heart and yanking free.", "%DN slices %dl's chest cavity open, spilling out its contents in a slush of %<l:blood>.", "%DN swings %p %t across %dl's middle, splitting %dl into two pieces.", "%DN carves through %dl's ribcage with %p %t, slicing through with a wet slur.", "%DN hacks %p %t deeply into %dl's shoulder, spinning %dl around by the blade. %DN yanks %p %t free in a fountain of %<l:blood> and carves down again, finishing what %s started.", "%DN slices to the left and rounds about %p %t, slashing upwards and ripping %dl's belly open with both cuts.", "%DN cleaves %p %t through %dl's throat and down into the breastbone, kicking the corpse free.", "%DN splits %dl's abdominal cavity apart with a flash of %p %t, spraying a curtain of %<l:blood>!", "%DN prongs %p %t into %dl's abdomen, twisting and yanking free in a savage motion.", "%DN mows %dl down with a waist-high chop from %p %t.", "%DN unleashes a strike from each cardinal direction against %dl, rounding into the momentum of each blow to deliver the next with increasing ferocity. With a confused sound, %dl gurgles %<l:blood> and begins to fall to pieces.", "%DN flashes past %dl with a blinding arc of %p %t, cutting apart %dl from the shoulder to the hip.", "%DN slashes repeatedly into %dl's side, spewing %<l:blood> in a spray from each gill-like wound.", "%DN suddenly chops from the right nine times, repeatedly slicing into %dl's chest and arm in washes of %<l:blood>.", "%DN kips into the swing of %p %t, slamming %p entire momentum into the slash so that %p %t passes through %dl without staining with %<l:blood>.", "%DN flashes %p %t with a ferocious shout, slashing through %dl's chest without staining the blade with %<l:blood>.", "%DN wheels %p %t around in a wide arc, slashing through %dl's lungs!", "%DN spins %p %t from behind, surprising %dl as the %t clips through %dl like a garden flower.", "%DN buries %p %t into %dl's neck and slams down with %p hand on the back of the blade, driving through %dl like splitting bamboo."}
fatal_foot_msg: {"%DN spears through %dl's foot with %p %t, rushing with %p shoulder and knocking %dl to the ground. In the short scuffle that ensues, %dn steps onto %dl's back and hacks brutally through the back of %dl's neck.", "%DN circles and crouches, slashing %p %t straight through the side of %dl's ankle.", "%DN suddenly kicks outward, driving %p foot straight through %dl's ankle with a crunch. As %dl reels in a scream, %dn draws %p %t upward across %dl's belly.", "%DN keeps kicking and stepping on %dl's foot, creating enough of an opening to bury %p %t into %dl's distracted eyes.", "%DN splits %dl's foot apart like a ruined fish with a strike that seemingly misses, at first!", "%DN thunders %p %t down through %dl's toes, splitting half of %dl's foot with a pulse of %<l:blood>. In %dl's panic, %dn delivers an execution blow.", "%DN spins backwards, circling %p %t downward to slice in a spiral through %dl's ankles!", "%DN hooks %p foot behind %dl's ankle and trips %dl to the ground, shoving %p %t throgh %dl's neck in a todome.", "%DN lands a nasty blow to the back of %dl's lower leg, splitting through the bone like rice paper.", "%DN plants %p %t in the ground - right through %dl's foot. %DN swiftly reaches for the %dl's throat, snatching it out.", "%DN spurs %dl in the ankle with %p %t, knocking %dl off-balance to the ground. %DN leaps onto %dl with %p %t, impaling %dl through the chest."}
fatal_groin_msg: {"%DN pierces through %dl's guts, ripping down and sawing straight through %dl's crotch.", "%DN brings %p %t up smartly between %dl's legs, sawing %dl open with a rising slash.", "%DN lands a glancing blow to %dl's groin, clipping through %dl's junk and slicing them away like sashimi.", "%DN lunges %p %t into %dl's ass til the blade bursts from the front of %dl's groin.", "%DN splits %dl across the flank, cutting off one of %dl's asscheeks in a shower of %<l:blood>.", "%DN sharply thrusts the hilt of %p %t into %dl's groin, knocking the wind from %dl. %DN quickly rounds %p %t to slash straight down the middle, cutting %dl nearly in half.", "%DN splits %dl's spine with a horrible blow, spilling intestines and %<l:blood> as %dl lay twitching in the throes of mortality.", "%DN turns %dl into a jack-knife as %p %t slices through %dl's spine, folding %dl over.", "%DN cuts upwards between %dl's legs and rips %dl's groin in a V slash, spilling %<l:blood> and colorful innards.", "%DN chops through half of %dl's genitals with an unlucky swing of %p %t, leaving %dl begging for death as %<l:blood> ribbons out from the wound.", "%DN seems to miss %dl until %<l:blood> blooms out from the wound where %dl's genitals used to be.", "%DN mercilessly stabs %dl in the groin with %p %t, impaling up through %dl's chest cavity with a shove of both hands.", "%DN chops down through half of %dl's belly, spilling %<l:blood> as %dl stumbles and tries to hold upright. %DN patiently raises %p %t, delivering a deathblow to %dl's neck this time.", "%DN carves %p %t through %dl's guts with a sickening slur of a long, slow cut.", "%DN splits %dl between the legs, buckling %dl at the knees as %<l:blood> and innards spill forth in a plop."}
fatal_hand_msg: {"%DN's %t strike neatly severs %dl's hand, which flops to the ground still twitching. %DL stares at %lp spurting stump for one dumbfounded moment.", "%DN whirls around, sweeping %p %t in a wide twisting overhead arc just as %dl's arms extend forward. The blade of the %t flashes down through both %dl's wrists, sending %lp hands whirling away to flop on the ground. %LS screams in unbelieving terror as %<l:blood> fountains from the stumps."}
fatal_head_msg: {"%DN slashes and nearly misses %dl, yet scalps off the top of %dl's head entirely above the ear.", "%DN slices through %dl's eye socket and into the thinking parts with a well-placed stroke of %p %t.", "%DN reveals what is truly on %dl's mind as %p %t splits %dl's head wide-open.", "%DN buries %p %t halfway into %dl's skull, slowly withdrawing it from between %dl's eyes.", "%DN shouts in a martial frenzy and plunges %p %t several times into %dl's face and throat, cutting %dl from shoulder-to-shoulder as %dn disengages in a swing.", "%DN rushes %dl with %p %t braced, ramming the point straight beneath %dl's chin until it bursts from the top of %dl's skull.", "%DN catches %dl across the throat with the long stroke of %p %t, spilling %<l:blood> as %dl tries to hold the wound shut.", "%DN clips %dl's head off but for a flap of skin that keeps it from going flying.", "%DN performs an executioners stroke, splitting through %dl's spine with vicious follow through.", "%DN manages to cut off one of %dl's ears by accident, leaving %dl dizzied from %<l:blood> loss. %DN circles, taking away half of %dl's face with a final advancing swing.", "%DN clips off %dl's entire nose, leaving %dl choking on %<l:blood>.", "%DN pulls away one of %dl's eyes on the end of %p %t, and politely puts it back in blade-first.", "%DN splits through the middle of %dl's face above the jaw, spilling %<l:blood> down the blade of %p %t.", "%DN buries %p %t through the gap of %dl's teeth and drives the point home unnecessarily.", "%DN hits %dl across the back with %p %t, turning %dl into a twitching contortionist.", "%DN splits %dl wide-open across the back, laying %dl's spine open with %p %t.", "%DN slices off %dl's jaw with an unlucky swing of %p %t, leaving %dl screaming in a gurgle of %<l:blood> for a few seconds until %dl politely delivers a todome.", "%DN apologizes in Japanese as %p %t plunges through the front of %dl's throat and out the back.", "%DN splits %dl's face cross-ways with a bursting stroke of %p %t.", "%DN lands a terrible blow with %p %t, chipping away a part of %dl's skull.", "%DN buries the edge of %p %t into %dl's temple with a sudden lunge, circling into a messy slash.", "%DN bashes %dl in the mouth with the long grip of %p %t, chopping down across %dl's neck instincitvely.", "%DN swipes upwards and clips through %dl's cheekbone, warping %dl's features as %<l:blood> leaks down the %t.", "%DN spills the color from %dl's face with a sudden gash to %dl's throat."}
fatal_leg_msg: {"%DN moves like a crab from side-to-side, suddenly thundering %p %t down through %dl's leg and splitting it like a log!", "%DN jabs %p %t deep into %dl's flank and shoves the back of the blade, sawing down through %dl's leg.", "%DN crunches through %dl's leg with a powerful chop of %p %t, shouting HAI!", "%DN inverts %p grip on %p %t and stabs downward, plunging the tip through %dl's knee and splitting through the bottom of the leg.", "%DN suddenly pricks through %dl's foot with an awkward lunge of %p %t. As %dl hops in pain, %dn thrusts again through %dl's middle, sawing and twisting through %dl's innards.", "%DN manages to swing so quickly %dl can't tell what happened at first, that is until the stump of %dl's leg begins to spew %<l:blood> fucking everywhere.", "%DN cracks completely through %dl's hip, breaking the leg and leaving %dl completely helpless as %dn sticks %p %t into %dl's neck in-and-out.", "%DN circles %p %t over handed and brings down a blow across %dl's flank, splitting %dl nearly entirely across the middle!", "%DN buries the blade of %p %t into %dl's spine with a sickening CHUNK and a wet slur, leaving %dl twitching as a river of %<l:blood> forms.", "%DN cleaves %dl across the ass with %p %t, slicing sinew and tendon with a rake of the blade. As %dl tries to crawl away, %dn splits open the top of %dl's head.", "%DN passes %p %t through %dl's knee, splitting the leg like greenwood in a spray of %<l:blood>.", "%DN lets out a fierce RAAAAA and tears %p %t down into %dl's belly, splitting through the pelvis completely.", "%DN rushes %dl down, %p %t jammed through %dl's thigh. Hastily, %dn draws %p %t back and shoves again, piercing %dl through the middle. As %dl fights to escape, %dn slowly twists %p %t in evisceration, sending %<l:blood> spilling down its ornamentation.", "%DN crouches and slashes through the back of %dl's knee, dropping %dl over backwards. %DN springs upwards with %p %t thrusting down like a fang, plunging into %dl with a fatal impact.", "%DN clips through the back of %dl's lower leg, folding %dl to the ground. %DN seizes the opportunity to end %dl with a downward stroke.", "%DN assists %dl in the art of dying, tearing %p %t through the back of %dl's leg and splitting %dl's belly open in a grizzled mess.", "%DN rolls onto the ground, slashing %p %t through %dl's upper thigh. %DN wrestles onto %dl and delivers a fatal throat stab with %p %t.", "%DN cleaves %dl's leg inward with a stroke of %p %t, splitting through %dl's skeletal structure like tatami with three clean strikes."}

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