The new Mario is self aware. How long before he goes inside you to fix things?
Researchers have created a version of Mario that experiences basic emotions – now he needs a purpose that affects the real world ... are_btn_tw
The new Mario is self aware
Moderator: CS Admin
The new Mario is self aware
Are there any rules? There were some, but we killed them last night. They are in the dumpster outback, Ratz sells them for scrap.
At one crucial point in the promotional video Mario learns that jumping on a Goomba (the scuttling mushroom enemies common to all Mario games) will cause it to die, thereby making him a self-aware murderer trapped in a cartoon world, his cheerful surroundings belying the achingly bleak nature of his existence. In order to win the woman of his dreams, Mario is compelled to kick in the heads of his enemies while gathering gold coins. I’d be astounded if the self-aware Mario doesn’t wind up muttering to himself, walking in circles and tumbling off high platforms in an apparent bid to end it all.