@OOC and say, emote, pose, tabletalk, tabletalk emote, tabletalk pose updates

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@OOC and say, emote, pose, tabletalk, tabletalk emote, tabletalk pose updates

Post by Timegrinder » Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:23 pm

The above-mentioned functions have been updated:

When @OOC you will find all of your say, emote, tt say, and tt emote commands coming out OOC'ly. You will also find that pose is entirely disabled while OOC, because your character might be a poser, but you shouldn't be one too.

While say already came out OOC'ly, the others have been updated to force this while OOC.

Also to note: If you use @ooc filter, it will now properly filter all of the above, so no circumventing the filter for people while @OOC (this doesn't cover players deliberately circumventing it by using IC methods to speak OOC'ly, which they should not do in these cases).

Also if you've enabled the filter for yourself, it will prevent you from being able to speak or emote OOC'ly (ie, at all while @OOC) as a side effect of this.

You can still be @ic and use the usual ooc <text>, ooc :emote, tt ooc <text> and tt ooc :emote commands and they will function the same way.

For the purposes of keeping IC and OOC boundaries, memory recognition of characters SHOULD NOT take effect when 'hearing' a voice that is speaking OOC'ly (whether via say, emote, tt or tt emote). If you find that your character recognises a remembered person from them speaking OOC'ly, please report this.

Players found abusing the above changes will find their characters tongues being used to repaint Kingpin's bathroom walls.

Why the hell did I code this you might ask? The Hiss told me to...
define: 'favourable outcome'
feɪ.vər.ə.bəl aʊt.kʌm
They all die

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